Monday, July 4, 2011

Manifesto #1

Well, here it goes.

My first blog; my first rant.

Why I'm doing this, I can't say. Throughout High School I hated writing like nothing else in this world. But now I feel like I need to be heard. Today is the 4th of July and I feel like I need to say a few things about our country. First of all, for every American, it needs to be their country. I'm tired of people who have fled here from other countries and can do nothing except for talk about how much they love their homelands. Yes, it's great to love your homeland. You should, especially if you were born there. But if America is just a place for you to get a good job and enjoy our freedom and schools, then you should leave. If you want our benefits, but don't believe in our cause, then leave. America isn't a place of residence. America is an ideal and a dream. If you like our safety, but don't understand our history, you shouldn't be here. If you want our healthcare, but don't speak our language (and refuse to), why are you here? Yes, America has a very diverse population. I've heard people say that America's diversity is what makes it great. That isn't true. What makes America great is that people of any race, culture or religion can live together under the same principles of freedom and equality.

 So, maybe I shouldn't make such a big deal about American citizens not rooting for the U.S. national team in the World Cup. But something like this is just the surface of an underlying problem. Some people don't think of our home as a privilege. America isn't some place of refuge for people who can't make it elsewhere. It isn't a place to help you get back on your feet. America is a dream. A dream worth fighting for; A dream worth dying for.